I knew a few days before hand that we would be harvesting a lamb for Easter. I tried my best to get ready for the harvest, knowing that I would be taking a life to sustain my own. As an omnivore, I knew that the task ahead of me would not be easy but I did my best to prepare. Fish and birds prepared me but nothing can truly prepare you for harvesting a larger mammal. Even in the moments beforehand I didn't feel ready, but as the situation unfolded all of the preparation flew out the window and you just do what you have to do. I crawled through a creek, shin deep in water, helped to dispatch the animal, and helped carry the animal out when the deed was done. I don't care how many times you have done it, I think it's still one of the least favorite tasks on the farm and one of the most necessary for sustenance. Regardless of that and the poison oak, we accomplished the task as a team and we all learned from it. Personally I gained a tremendous amount of respect for the sacrifice an animal makes to be harvested and the people that don't eat meat but respect what it takes to harvest an animal. It was a day I will never forget. Regardless of your perspective in the scene, I think we all have a greater understanding of life in general. 

Brandon K. Intern, Spring 2016